Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Giver

I enjoyed reading The Giver, by Lois Lowry. I have found each one of her books that I have read to be very interesting.

This book is about a boy (Jonas) living in a strict community, governed by sameness. Each person is expected to be as alike as possible. But Jonas, with pale eyes, is different than his friends and classmates.

Although I would hate to be in Jonas's position, I loved reading about his life and the changes he experienced.

I had read this book once before, at a younger age. And I still got the same meaning out of it this time.

The book ended on a happy note, I believe. Gabe and Jonas went on to live happy lives with a family and with choices and more freedom than they had ever known before. But I wish the author had written more about the outcome of the boys' adventure, searching for "Elsewhere."

Animal Farm.

No one wants to feel left out, over-worked, or used. Everyone wants to be equal to their peers. But what happens when equality is not enough? When someone decides they are better than their brothers?

Animal Farm, by George Orwell is a perfect example of that.

Preceding his death, Old Major (a highly respected, extremely wise pig) started a revolution concerning every animal living on Manor Farm. These animals overthrew the farm's cruel owner, Mr. Jones, and began running the farm on their own, under the name Animal Farm.

When the revolution had first taken place, the animals were happier than they could have ever imagined. But as time passed, the pigs began taking over. Since they were smarter than the other animals, the pigs could easily decieve the less intelligent beasts.

A pig named Napoleon declared himself leader of all the animals, with the help of nine dogs he had trained from birth. Parallel to Joseph Stalin and the communist revolution in Russia, the citizens soon became wary of Napoleon.

Any animal brave enough to speak ill of/rebel against Napoleon's rule could expect to be brutally slaughtered. The animals were no longer content with Animal Farm. They then realized that under the rule of Napoleon and the other pigs, their life was far worse than anything they had ever experienced when Mr. Jones was around.

so much depends upon:

so much depends

a green

inching along the cherry

waiting, waiting to